Scottish Castles
Angus and Dundee
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Broughty Castle, Angus and Dundee
Location: Castle Approach, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 2TF (map and directions)
Broughty Castle in Broughty Ferry outside of Dundee is a four-storey tower house
completed in 1495 by Andrew, 2nd Lord Gray. Broughty Castle was used throughout
Scotland’s history as a strategic defensive structure. 
Broughty Castle © Trish Steel
History of Broughty CastleLord Gray surrendered the castle in 1547 after his defeat at the Battle of Pinkie, at which
point English troops fortified the castle. This did not stop Scottish troops from recapturing
the castle 3 years later with the help of the French. In 1666 the Gray family sold Broughty
Castle, after which point it began deteriorating into a ruinous structure. In 1846 the castle
was purchased by the Edinburgh and Northern Railway Company to build a harbour for their
railway ferry.
Nine years later, in 1855, the War Office bought Broughty Castle with the intent of using the
harbour and property as a defensive location against foreign invaders. 1860 saw significant
renovations at Broughty, with the addition of a new wing and a courtyard, along with
emplacements for nine guns. Broughty was used for various military purposes until 1949,
after World War II.
In 1969 Dundee city council opened Broughty Castle as a museum.
Broughty Castle affords beautiful views of Monifieth Bay and the River Tay. Inside the castle
the Orchar Gallery houses the Orchar Collection, one of the most important collections of
Scottish Victorian art in the country. Broughty Castle Museum is open to the public year round, and admission is free.
View Broughty Castle in a larger map
Other castles in Angus & Dundee Balintore Castle
Ballumbie Castle
Brechin Castle
Broughty Castle
Claypotts Castle
Colliston Castle
Dudhope Castle
Edzell Castle
Ethie Castle
Finavon Castle
Glamis Castle
Guthrie Castle
Kinnaird Castle
Mains Castle
Melgund Castle
Powrie Castle
Red Castle